When you spend your Holidays in Northafrica or India you can see some People with Hennapainting. At first it looks like a real Tattoo but Mehnditattoos less her colour and vanish after 3 or 4 Weeks. |
Hennapainting on the Body specially at the Hands, Arms or Feets
has in this Countries a verry long tradition.
You can get it also for coloring the Hair red.
At the Beach or the Swimming Pool sometimes you can see woman with Tattoos they looking out half of the Bikini. Little Roes or Butterflys and more. They sppend a lot of Money for this Tattoos but nowhere ca see this nice Things on this places.
A Mehnditattoo is ideal for this People.
After 4 Weeks its vanish and you can paint a new one wih other design on an other Place at your Body.
The favorite Plantages for Henna are in India Egypt or the Sudan. The light green colored Hennapowder comes from the leafs of the plant. |
You can buy Henna as no colering for health, red or black
and some special for coloring Hairs red.
Normaly the color you becam is orangered to a brown red, if you use black henna its a dark redbrown color. It would be darker when you let stay it a longer time on the skin or in the hair. The color and darknes is dependent from the kind of skin or Hair to. |
For painting on skin you can buy some ready mixed past in tubes or you can prepair a past by yourself with black tea and Water but the past must be a very long time on skin and must be dump the hole time for best result. You can do this with fresh lemmonjuice with Sugar in it. Take it over the painting all hour and put some cotton and plastic over it to be ware. In Egypt some Hennapainters take a past who give good Results in only 1 to 2 hours. But with this is the same, if longer on skin if better result. |
In islamic countries no Animals pictures would paint, the holy Coran permit not pictures of People or Animals. |
They paint only ornaments of flowers and symbols right on the bodies limbs. In India it gif for health, future, love the natural powers and so on some special symbols at favour by marriage for the woman. |
Names written in arabic looks very exotic with many
nice decorations and products of fantasy at the peripheral.
On this side you can see some examples of ornamentic and arabic written names. |
If you have a nice painting you can refresh it, bevore you loose it. Refresh it with new Henna. Henna is not dangerous for our heatlh and you can paint often as you like. |
But refresh an old Tattoo not more than one time, after this it looks not longer nice, after this the pheriphery looks not longer sharp as before. |
You find some nice picture examples here in our Hennagallery !