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Orienta 97

A Story with Pictures


At the 15. And 16. of November in 1997 at the City-Hall Bergen-Enkheim, an Town by Frankfurt/Germany begins already by the 3. time the international exhibition of oriental dance.
Leyla Nahwahrness
Note : By an Mouseclick onto every picture you can enlarge it.
At booth of 2 days became the visitors from Germany and all of Europe again to bidden the numerous representing Shops, Magazines, cataloqueshops and Studios for oriental dance. First of all from Germany and Europe but also from the USA, Egypt or Turkye offered here a rare good selection of oriental danceclothes music, Videos and more. Also an replete rate and workshops for the oriental dance, rithm and and coreographies.
Furnish information could you become at the profession of the oriental-dance Organisation of Germany or the Studio Orienta - Frankfurt/Germany (Orienta Club) about memberships of rabats when you go into one of this Organisations, by Studios, teachers and buying of accesoires
The adresses and telephonenmbers from most on the Orienta present Shops and Studios , also of the germans belly dance assotiation (Bundesverband) and the organizers you find in "" Homepage, Rubric "ADRESSES"


An ample Workshoprogram was also on this two days in rooms near the City-Hall Bergen, and also within in the city of Bergen-Enkheim taken.
This Workshops were mostly proffer teached by the known star-dancers/teachers of its oriental dancescene such as for example Reyhan and Djamila, Ishtar, Sibel Nefa and many once on this page taken photos dancers. Who gladly times with one of its "great" teachers as for learning would had over here all by one place assembles and could save itself long ways this time.
Sibel Nefa Beside the many Shops in the hall that gives an puff about oriental bazar have been also at this year at booth days again many shows and clothingshows bidden up the stage.
About the mostly good until very good shows of this two days, mostly belly dance but also oriental Musicgroups over here any individual to names or to judge was certainly not very informatively. So everybody has also finally as well his own taste. An introduction give you may be upon this page standing Photos over here Semira from Frankenthal. Semira
The only objektive criterion, if an show is well or not is properly only the hole public. Only the offered applause shows objective and without itself's feeling if an Show is good or not.
Bassiema from Warthausen showed at impressive way, that oriental dance also can be very modern and also nice at once Basiema
As well Sahirnee from brunswick adet the looker on for enthusiasm ovations, like several dancers from this city make a real good dance for expression do so in this way. Sibel Nefa,with here nice Shimmies brought the bublic to ovations more also. If you want to see more about the "Trio Oriental" from brunswick go to the the Homepage of Sibel Nefa which offers you all about there Shows, Workshops and a lot of good Photos from Sibel Nefa and the TRIO ORIENTAL.
(Also in english language aviable)
Ariane Shirinsha
An dance with an slyer was also not omitted, real good danced from Ariane from colonia and Shirinshah also from brunswick (such as sawn).
Anatha Ánatha is here in Frankfurt at home and prefers an good sabredance.
(in this way some you dont sea often)
With enthusiasm accompanied Samy Abdou from Munic finally Afifa from Turku in Finland upon his Tabla. Unfortunately the only times Livemusik to the dance and not projektet at this show but realy nice. Afifa & Samy Abdou
The Ensemble Orienta also from Frankfurt-Germany showed various rather folcloricel groupdances what law kontrasted to the show.
Ensemble Orienta
Proffer the exhibition of oriental Dance at one evening the great Show-Gala of this Orienta 97 woult be offer. For all that after this show what i became report shall it's an all groovier evening has been,- since have got myself probably what miss!
this evening-Show was offered in the "Volkshaus Enkheim" (beside the Hessen-Center city-mall lied) an small hall with Stage in it.
Leylana In 1998 the Orienta is against here at Bergen-Enkheim beside Frankfurt and i hope then the Shows will itself safe as well again back on Stage.
Note : 14. To 15. November 1998 City-Hall Bergen
(in german language named : "Stadthalle Bergen").
Criticals you can be find itself such as all shows as well of this show.
So the Restauration, Meals and sittings where not so god and any more. But an Organisation of such big exhibition is not without Problems and it be only then a big problem, if the organizers dont learn anything for the future at this.

An visit for iterested dancers and mostly beginners by safety can be lucrative , primary law if you have no chance for go shopping at times quickly beyond cairo or Istanbul by plane. So you can save your Money and nerves ( since you live near to Frankfurt-Germany ).

An Note more again :
Also this year forwent all Dancers and musicans waive of Money for an good thing.
The organizer give all this Money at once to an non comercial organization for health.


Harold Gardener, February 1998

All Photos taken by H.Gardener (c)
" (The World of oriental Dance)"
By friendly authorization from STUDIO ORIENTA - SEWARD & KOTSCH Gbr
60329 Frankfurt at the Main River - Germany


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